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» » » » » » » » » » » Tony Horton the man behind the P90X Workout

Skinny Kid Turns Fitness Guru

Tony Horton Quotes

Tony Horton grew up in Connecticut and attended the University of Rhode Island. While attending college, he became enamored with acting and moved to Hollywood to pursue his dream. There was only one problem: Tony’s look didn’t quite fit the Hollywood standard of buff and beautiful. His scrawny body epitomized the classic 98-pound weakling cliché.

From Non-existent to Getting Noticed

Determined to make it in Hollywood, Tony took charge of his own destiny and began exercising at the famous World Gym in Venice, California. He hoped to pump up his scrawny physique and realize his acting dreams. He didn’t want the bulky, awkward look of the overly muscled bodybuilders who frequented the gym. An acquaintance, accomplished triathlete Mark Sisson, introduced him to training techniques that promote speed and flexibility in addition to balanced, natural muscle growth.

Beachbody Buff

Two friends, Carl Daikeler and Jon Congden, discovered Tony when beginning their new company, Beachbody Fitness. They asked Tony to star in their new workout videos. This gave him exposure and credibility. He began his own video workout endeavors, sponsored by Beachbody Fitness. His first release in 2001, Power90, was a boot-camp style program designed for in home use. Several DVDs later, he stars in an entire series of videos showcasing his special muscle confusion and interval training techniques. The latest are P90X and P90X Plus, along with his many P90X One on One Discs.

P90X Quotes

Here are a few memorable P90X quotes by Anthony Horton. Some of these include P90X quotes from his series of DVDs.

“Tip of the day- Don’t smash your face!”

“Do your best and forget the rest.”

“Get sexy with it.”

“Bring It”

“I recommend foot spray.”

“I hate it…….but I love it.”

“The mother of all P90X workouts”

“X me baby”

“Imagine you gotta do a hundred of them”

“Hamburger bad, fries bad, coca-cola bad….There I said it. Drink your water people“.

“I’m pushing my own personal pause button”

“Ooohhh, that’s cushier”

“Take in the fact that you just did that”

“Don’t go grab a pastrami sandwich”

“Halfway done, party’s almost over, what a bummer”

“Take in the fact that you just did that.”

“Just let the weight of your head do the work. Mine weighs about 600 lbs. and not a damn thing in it.”

“Ah….she’s so flexible she makes Gumby look like the Tin Man”

“You can cool down here…..OR…..GET YOUR FRICKEN KNEES UP!!”

“Your steering wheel shouldn’t move unless you are driving a clown car or something.”

“I’m having Lobster Bisque, but it’s not for me.”

“Get your little bucket nearby my friends, this routine is X-city.”

“If you’re doing Plyometrics you can jump higher and run faster and your heart and lungs are going to kick the panties off of anybody else that tries to get out there without it.”

“I got shot…in the buttocks.”

“Don’t just kind of do it!”

“I love love love Core until Daddy takes my T-Bird away.”

“This is horse stance… This isn’t. This is just standing up.”

“Like a teradactyl coming in for a landing.”

“The skin of a five year old. So lucky!”

“Superman! Supergirl! Superwo-man!”

“ If you need one, take a break. Look at me, I’m taking a break, what the hell, life is good, I’m the leader, I can do whatever I want. But when you’re back, you’re back with a vengeance!”

“That’s a short uncle.”

“I don’t believe in age. I don’t believe in aging; whatever; I’ve got your aging right here.”

“Quality over quantity.”

“Don’t let your ego get in the way of your success.”

“Focus on the present moment. Stay in the moment.”

“Don’t hold your breath.”

“Downhill Dommy, that’s what they call him. It’s all uphill from here bro.”

“It’s coming! My favorite! It’s the CLAP!!….or plyo push-up.”

Anthony Horton Quotations

Anthony Horton Quotations have captured the hearts and minds of countless people everywhere. Web sites, started by enthusiastic fans, have popped up all over the Internet with snippets of his clever quotes and how his programs have changed their lives. He has realized his dream of ‘making it in Hollywood’ by becoming the trainer of choice for many well known celebrities including Antonio Banderas, Shirley MacLaine, Billy Idol, Sean Connery, Rob Lowe, Tom Petty, Annie Lenox, and more. His energetic style and proven techniques helped him turn his dreams into reality.

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