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P90X2 Review

Are you all ready for this? The new P90X2 is going to be released sometime towards the end of the year! I think we have all been waiting for this to be released for quite some time, and we finally have a time frame. From what they told us out there in L.A. at the Coach’s Summit, P90X2 is going to be released in December, but pre-order will begin sometime in August, and believe me, you’re going to want to pre-order! I have a feeling that this program is going to be more popular than the original P90X, but then again, I guess I’m a little biased since I am a Team Beachbody coach. However, biased or not, I know the type of work that they put into this program to make it the most advanced home workout program ever! I’ve got to warn you, though, this isn’t for beginners! Below will be videos of  P90X2 for your review, but first, check out the new P90X2 trailer!

My only advice is to just make sure you’re ready for P90X2 by going through a round of P90X first. Like I said, this new P90X 2 program is NOT for beginners! If you think you can just go from being a couch potato to P90X2, think again. Once I go through the program, I’ll make sure I give you guys a full P90X2 review, but for now this will have to do! I’m going to be constantly updating the people that I coach with more information about the new P90X 2 program whenever I hear something, so it’s important that you make me your coach to get that information! To make me your coach (it’s free), click here.


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