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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » » » » Whats the difference between Team Beachbody vs Beachbody

What is the first thing you think of when I say, Beachbody? What about when I say....Team Beachbody? If you were like me a year probably did this....a Google search for P90X, Insanity or another Beachbody program and landed on a website of a coach with Team Beachbody, someone you had never heard of...yet they had had great results. Perhaps you have purchased a Beachbody program through an infomercial or ad or website, then have been contacted by a coach with Team Beachbody?

Beachbody vs Team Beachbody

Beachbody or Team Beachbody?

What’s the difference? Are they the same company? Are they different?
Well let’s clear this up right now.
They are the same company… yet… they are different.
Say what?!  Now I’ve got you really confused, don’t I?
Hopefully this video will explain a little better the difference between Beachbody and Team Beachbody.

Hopefully now you have a better understanding of Beachbody, Team Beachbody, the difference between the two and the role that Team Beachbody plays in helping the customers of Beachbody hit their health and fitness goals.
If you are looking for a Team Beachbody coach to help you on your fitness journey I would love to be that person. I have helped many people hit their fitness goals and can help you too. Click out the link below to join Team Beachbody for FREE and make me your personal coach.
Together we’re better.
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