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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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Chalean Extreme

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Get ready to burn fat, boost your metabolism, and get LEAN with ChaLEAN Extreme®, my new workout system that transformed everyone in the test group with 3 simple words: MUSCLE BURNS FAT®. It’s a fact. The more lean muscle you have, the more fat you burn. You can burn up to 60% of your body fat in just 3 months and see visible results every 30 days—GUARANTEED!


Our Price: $119.85
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The secret is “Lean Phasing.” My proven technique shifts your fat-burning focus from cardio to resistance training. By adding resistance training in 3 phases, you’ll build lean muscle, and that’s what supercharges your metabolism so you burn fat long after your workout—even while you sleep!

You get 15 amazing workouts!

Before you start: Chalene teaches you the proper form and technique for the resistance moves you’ll be doing in the program, whether you’re using weights or bands.
  • Burn Basics
  • Band Basics
Phase 1: Burn- You start lifting weights to jump-start your metabolism and break down those “extra” reserves of fat. In these moderate training workouts, you’ll work your upper body then lower body, and learn how “Lean Phasing” will help you see major results every 30 days!
  • Burn Circuit 1
  • Burn Circuit 2
  • Burn Circuit 3
Phase 2: Push- Chalene shows you how to lift heavy—beyond your comfort zone—so you build the muscle you need to burn fat. Chalene makes it easier than it sounds with incredibly fast results.
  • Push Circuit 1
  • Push Circuit 2
  • Push Circuit 3
Phase 3: Lean- Here is where you really bring it home with new routines and dynamic moves that literally melt the fat off your body. You will be blown away with jaw-dropping results and rewarded with a brand-new body!
  • Lean Circuit 1
  • Lean Circuit 2
  • Lean Circuit 3
Extreme Cardio- During each phase, Chalene ignites your metabolism with super-intense cardio- and strength-training routines, and then rejuvenates and lengthens your hard-working muscles with an invigorating flexibility workout.
  • Burn Intervals
  • Burn It Off!
  • Recharge
Core Power- Shrink, tighten, and tone your tummy with two targeted ab routines for a rock-hard midsection!
  • Extreme Abs
  • Ab Burner
Our Price: $119.85
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Support Tools:
  • Muscle Burns Fat Guidebook
  • Body Fat Tester
  • Thigh Toner Band
  • FAT-BURNING FOOD GUIDE shows you what to eat in each phase to maximize fat burning.
  • Chalene’s personal EXTREME MOTIVATION AUDIO CD to pump you up!
  • In the “HEALTHY EATS” and KITCHEN MAKEOVER DVD, Chalene shares her personal recipes and nutrition tips to help keep you and your family eating healthily.
  • PRO-GRADE RESISTANCE BAND to burn fat and tone muscle faster!
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee- Chalene’s so sure you’ll be blown away by ChaLEAN Extreme, she’s giving you her 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason, just return it within 30 days for a FULL refund of the purchase price, less s&h, but the FREE gifts worth $120.00 are yours to keep!
Our Price: $119.85

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