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» » » » » » » » » » » » » Napolean Hill and Think and Grow Rich or is it Think and Grow Fit

How many of you have heard of Napolean Hill, or maybe you've heard the words, Think and Grow Rich?
Napoleon Hill

Napolean Hill for those you who don’t know him, he is the author of Think And Grow Rich, a book which focuses on how your thoughts can lead to massive financial success. 

It is said to be one of the most influential bestsellers of all time, selling over 15 million copies worldwide.  In the Introduction of the book Hill says that the Secret to Wealth is Hidden In Every Chapter of this book. It’s upto the reader to find out what it is. Here is an excerpt:

"In every chapter of this book, mention has been made of the money-making secret which has made fortunes for more than five hundred exceedingly wealthy whom I carefully analyzed over a long period of years."

I am about to tell you what this secret is...and how YOU can use it to reach your Fitness Goals, weather it be Lose Weight, Build Muscle or anything for that matter!
If you follow this secret formula you are bound to succeed after all the formula is what has been responsible to create multi-millionaires and billionaires around the world including Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison & Bill Gates!

I know I know you are sitting there wondering…”How does a great money making secret going to help me lose 15 Pounds by next month(..or any other fitness goal)??

So what’s the big secret?
The Hidden Secret In Think And Grow Rich
Step 1: Have A Deep Burning Desire/Will To Accomplish One Major Definite Purpose
Step 2: Have Faith That you WILL succeed.
Step 3: Organize A Definite Plan & TAKE ACTION!
Step 4: Never EVER Give Up Until You Achieve Your One Definite Purpose.

Secret Ingredient: Consistency
Sounds to simple? Truth is…it probably is. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work!
This formula has worked for centuries and will continue to do so.
If you are still on the edge and think this is too good to be true then go and read biographies of successful people, they are more or less going to tell you the same things you see above.
I can’t really help you with Step 1, Step 2 & Step 4. That’s is up to you and how serious you are with your Fitness goals…
…but I can help you to build a definite Plan of Attack, which is Step 3.
If you are looking for a definitive plan of action, I offer specific options that consist of a perfect Fitness/Weight Loss plan that you can follow.  The question is are you ready to take the Challenge?  Put on your determined face and hit it everyday.

Steps to getting started:

1. You Need a Coach visit here: Click Join, and create a FREE account to get my coaching and accountability toward your fitness goals.
2. We need to establish an accountability/mastermind group with a start date
3. You need to be part of the Beachbody Challenge (watch video)

I will be in contact with you after you get step 1 complete.  Then we will start the plan in effect for the Think and Grow Fit.  We will get you to where you want to be.  I look forward to working with you.

Change your next 12 Months Today.  What is your 1 Year Plan?

-Coach Eric

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