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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » This is AWESOME! #Repost @bodybyk ・・・ Way back on April 22nd, @sagikalevthebeast @sagikalev sent me a message asking me, “R U GOING TO BE AT SUMMIT!?”. My reply, “YES SIR!” The very next day, on April 23rd, Sagi asked me “ARE YOU READY TO BE ON STAGE WITH ME IN THE LIVE WORKOUT? I AM NOT KIDDING AND ONLY PIC FEW PEOPLE THAT REALLY EARNED MY RESPECT.” And, I responded, “YES SIR! IT WOULD BE AN HONOR AND A PRIVILEGE.” He asked me not to say anything until we got closer to Summit so that release forms and permissions were all filled out, documented, and turned into BEACHBODY. Our correspondence since then has been pretty awesome too. Sagi said, “MY FRIEND.. YOU HAVE EARNED IT AND I COULDN’T THINK OF ANYONE ELSE BESIDES YOU AT FIRST. THIS IS REALLY ONCE IN A LIFETIME FEELING AND SOMETHING THAT YOU WILL NEVER FORGET.” I responded to that with, “JULY WILL BE HERE SOON AND I CAN’T WAIT. WE GET TO CELEBRATE OUR BIRTHDAY AT SUMMIT! HOW COOL IS THAT?” Sagi replied, “WHEN IS YOURS?” “MINE IS JULY 30.” I replied, ‘JULY 30TH 1970.” His response was, “LOL…WOW..NOW THAT’S COOL.” “THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES.” I said, “NO COINCIDENCES INDEED!” He replied back with a big THUMBS UP! Those who know me know what I’ve been through to get to this point and how hard I’ve worked to put myself into position for this opportunity. Sagi said he’s been watching me for a while and has noticed my hard work over the years. The fact that I was handpicked to be onstage in front of 25,000+ other coaches is one of the most incredible things one can achieve in this business, but to do it on my birthday, which I share with Sagi, makes it even that much more special. I cannot wait until Coach Summit 2016 in Nashville so that I can network with other coaches, learn from people who are highly successful, connect with my team members of Team Dream, Believe, Succeed, and stand in my power and do whatever it takes on stage with my Brother in Beast, Sagi Kalev.

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