A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.
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» Well this vacation has me off on my water intake and other good nutrition practices... To include lack of sleep. Not even this preworkout is gonna solve my lack of energy, however it combined with my during workout drink I will be better equipped, and going forward I can do better. I am sampling the Beachbody Performance line in prep for the amazing kick off to 2017.A year to accomplish my goals, a year to find more people to help and a year to activate untapped potential. Who's with me? Want to get an all access pass on accomplish your 2017 goals? Check the link in my bio. 💪👊💪 #ericburganfitness #iwannahelpyou #FindYourStride #battlebuddyfitness #army #veteran #virtualbattlebuddy #armycoach
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