A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.
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» Holy crap. MMA Shred and Core Kenetics whooped me. Workout in the bag. Sometimes we gotta do things we just don't want to do. I am exhausted from drill weekend (though I didn't have to drive to Boise!), it was extremely hard to propel myself out of bed and into the day. I knew that the workout today was a tough one and gonna kick my butt. I knew I didn't have any pre workout (ate half a banana and drank 4oz of water), I knew today was a day off and I could have slacked. All things compounded against me, my head telling me to just be lazy, and yet something inside called me down the stairs to workout. I can say now, that I feel so much better with my workout complete. What about you? Believe in yourself that you can make these things happen. Want this for you. Have a WHY that drives you. My WHY for today... It was all of my challengers in our Health Bet group. #MyFitFam #GeeksWithGuns #ericburganfitness #battlebuddyfitness #virtualbattlebuddy #HealthBet #Day1 #Faith #AverageJoeToSuperhero #Army #ArmyCoach #ArmyStrong
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