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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » This is how I start my mornings. With prayer and my scriptures. The way we start our days sets the tone for the remainder of the day. So I ask you to take a look at your beginning of day... Is it fueled with grumbling then change it. Hating of your job, then seek to change it. Despising others in your heart and mind, then look outward and seek to serve. Putting on your armor in the mornings keeps you bolstered up when you walk out the front door into the world. Think of it like a bug out bag that you can dip into throughout the day. Preparation for each and every day will carry you through to your goals, past trials and tribulations. Set your schedule, find a book of wisdom for you and your life and set sail on improving yourself. -Coach B #ericburganfitness #iwannahelpyou #FindYourStride #battlebuddyfitness #army #veteran #virtualbattlebuddy #armycoach #AverageJoeToSuperhero #GeeksWithGuns #GeekFitness #GeekOutFitness #mormon #LDS #IAmAMormon

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Was at WinCo yesterday and saw this and thought I would give it a try. Has anyone used it? What are your thoughts? 13 bucks for 30 servings.
Previous off from work, suns out, workouts complete. Hello new week. Hello obstacles, trials, tribulation.... See that face... I got this.

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