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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » Have you ever wondered, what do the workouts look like if you weren't following the Beachbody DVD? Well here is a good look, if you don't have the 21 Day Fix. However let me ask you a few questions. 1. Do you have an entire division devoted to research and development within exercise science? 2. Have you planned an entire nutrition plan, that has been tested over and over again to ensure results are delivered when followed? 3. Do you have a daily multi vitamin full of superfoods from cultures around the world? 4. Do you have access to others in circumstances similar to you, bearing you up each day in an online app? 5. Have you a coach who cares about you, where you are in life and wants to motivate and inspire you to take action each day, at work, play, family, and fitness? These are just a few of the many questions I ask when people object to what I offer as a Team Beachbody coach. I do this because of a love to see others succeed, as a person, as a family. You have it in you, even when you don't believe you can, I'm here to build you up. Who would like an opportunity to learn more how to get started on a journey that will change your life? Let me know and I will post the link in the comments below.

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