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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » She's dancing in the background because her young 12 year old track/cross country legs beat these 39 yr old legs.... Outsprinting me in the last 100m. That's okay because I paced her the entire run. How can I do this at almost 40?, because made a choice in late 2010 to change my life. 3 things changed. 1. I started exercising 6 days a week, following simple effective programs from Beachbody. 2. I started using Shakeology daily, feeding my body daily superfoods that I was not getting elsewhere. 3. I started making better decisions with my food choices and meal planning (still not perfect though). Been going on almost 7 years. Still feel amazing, feel healthy and am so grateful to be able to keep up with my children. Here is to many more miles behind us! #RunningBuddies

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